Robert Let's make staying at-home pay-off for you.
Robert Let's make staying at-home pay-off for you.
Hi Robert
Did you know you can turn 94.00 into 2023.00 from every-sale?
Yes, really you can.
A new site just launched.
It's called Panic Attacks and How To Survive them.
It's a simple and quick read giving you easy
17 easy ways to cope with these tough times.
My partner, Phil Basten and I wrote this book
with 2 simple goals in mind.
1) To give people emotional coping tools for these
tough times that we are all going through together.
2) To give everyone working at home a way to pocket
some dough and not just chump change-some real dough
The Book is called:
Panic Attacks and How To Survive Them.
It has a report with it that you can download
for f-ree or you can buy the book for 17.00 bucks
You can go one step further and brand the book
with your own ids and that's where the 2023.00
bucks per-sale comes in.
Yes! I did say 2023.00 bucks.
How is that possible?
We put 4 of our most popular sites into the ebook
and when people upgrade in those sites you can pull
out a whooping 2023.00 bucks and that ain't peanuts.
You can find out just how easy this is to do by doing this
Go to Panic Attacks and How To Survive them
Sign up f-ree
Buy the ebook and the branding as you sign up
You will pay more for it in the members area.
Log into the members area and put your ids in
for these 5 links
You username at Panic Attacks
Your username for ProfitFromFreeAds
Your username for FrontPageMail
Your username for Onyalist
Your username for Sokule
Everytime you give away the Free report and sell the
ebook you can make up to a whopping 2023.00 from just
that one sale.
This is as simple to do as 1 2 3
sign up
Buy and brand the ebook
Pop your usernames in your profile in the members area.
Grab your affiliate link and you are on your way.
You will be helping someone cope with the moment
in these difficult times and make dough at the same time
Let's make staying at home pay-off for you.
Jane Mark
Special offers...
Watch for the one time offers as you sign up
You will pay more in the members area.
Join us live to find out exactly how you turn
94.00 into 2020.00.
Saturday, March 23rd at 12.00 noon est.
You should assume that the sender of this e-mail
has an affiliate relationship and/or another
material connection to the providers of goods
and services mentioned in this message and
may be compensated when you purchase from
a provider. You should always perform due
diligence before buying goods or services from
anyone on or off the Internet.
Jane Mark
736 Broadway 4th floor, New York,
NY, 10003, United States
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